Youth Worker Well-Being Project
Emerging Leaders of Color Fellowship Application

Step 1
Step 2

Basic Contact Info

Please input your basic Contact information. If you have previously engaged with IYI, please use your full first and last name and email that you have used previously (if you recall) so we can match your data.
Please do not use abbreviations but the full name of your organization. If you are not associated with an Organization, input your "Last Name" Household. (e.g. Smith Household)
For individuals, indicate county of residence
Thank You
Thank you for dedicating your time and talents to improving the lives of kids in Indiana! Unfortunately, this opportunity is only available to individuals that meet the application requirements. Based on your response, you are not eligible. Please email the Youth Worker Well-Being Project at, if you have any questions. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to supporting you through future opportunities.